The Difference Between Home Health Care and Home Care

Most seniors prefer and feel comfortable retiring to their homes as much as possible when the need for long-term care arises, regardless of their health condition. They would choose to receive home care even if their health becomes physically exhausting and financially devastating.

Everyone must have heard about home health care and home care, but they cannot understand the difference between the two. The two services seem so connected to each other, even if the differences could be very insignificant. The home health care service is directly related to medical services in line with household chores, while the latter is limited to cleaning and other personal care for the patient. Home health care can be used to help a person recover from illness or injury. This may also include, but not limited to speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy that patients with chronic conditions may need. Home health care requires registered nurses, therapists and health assistants to ensure patient health and safety.

Perhaps the biggest question is how to determine if you are getting quality home health care services. There are so many agencies where you can find help, but you could end up in a bad company if you can’t understand the qualities of good home health care.

When you hire an independent home health care provider, make sure you conduct a thorough check on that person to make sure he has no criminal record. It is necessary to interview the applicant and ask for references that can be verified later. Before the interview, make sure you have prepared a detailed list of what a sick spouse or loved ones need, so ask them what specific services they can offer. The projection will be less tiring if you know what to expect and the qualities you are looking for.

Hiring a home health worker through an agency would be more efficient, because it could reduce the screening process. Normally, these agencies have personnel ready for work when the customer needs the services. The positive aspect of this agreement is that you can meet that person and discuss everything you expect from the job before you formally start working. You must tell the supplier all the details about your loved one:

• Health conditions – diseases or disabilities
• The drugs or treatments used and how they should be taken
• Behavioral problems – if the elderly person has an unmanageable depression, fear, anger, etc.
• Nutritional requirements
• Likes and dislikes
• Special needs

In addition to these things, there may be other special requirements that your loved one may need. For example, tell the caregiver what kind of clothing he needs every day to prevent any discomfort. The healthcare provider should also know the contact number and other immediate family members in the event of an emergency. Common things like where to find food, emergency kits and how to repair appliances or medical devices need to be educated to reduce worry. Anticipating all the possible risks and changing needs of your loved one can help you become more prepared when unexpected events occur.

How to Effectively Use an Interim Home Health Care Manager

Whether planned or suddenly happening, losing a leader in your home health care agency can interrupt business and make you feel helm. With the industry more competitive than ever, the lack of leadership even for a short period of time has a huge impact. The temporary management of home health care prevents these interruptions from damaging your business and brings you back on the road to growth.

Working with temporary managers allows you to take advantage of the skills of an experienced home care professional and helps you better meet the needs of your customers. They can act as CEO, CFO, COO or hold any other managerial position to refocus their agency and implement the change. In order for a temporary home healthcare manager to succeed, you and your employees must take some steps to make the most of the experience.

Why hire an interim manager?
In addition to the obvious advantages of involving managers with the right experience, you also know that you can trust their motivations. After all, they have no history with your agency and no ax to grind. All the politics aside, I’m just there to put their talents to work and get your agency back on track. They help you develop short and long term goals and suggest convenient solutions to make your agency competitive. A temporary home health care provider can also be flexible to circumvent the program and take on multiple roles.

Use an organizational assessment
We advise you to work with an interim manager who starts performing a thorough organizational assessment. This audit closely examines all your systems, people and processes to discover problem areas and understand your operations. It also ensures that temporary management services are aligned with the needs and objectives of your agency. After getting a clear picture of your agency’s strengths and weaknesses, a temporary home health care manager can then develop a plan to achieve your specific goals. Please note that this may also require organizational restructuring.

Be open and ready to change
You call on intermediate health managers for a reason. Although it may be difficult to listen to some of the things that need to change in your agency, remember that they have no personal interests or attachments with your agency. The growth and development of your agency is at the heart of every decision, so the advice they provide is for the greater good of the company. All you have to do is be ready to change and follow their example.

What is your opportunity?
If your agency is in transition or has an immediate need, consider this time as an opportunity to develop your agency into a leader in your market. Put a temporary home health care manager to work for your company to solve your short-term challenges and achieve long-term goals. By providing valuable information about your business that a traditional manager may not be able to offer, an interim manager can help you drive your growth and sustain your success in the future.

Do you want to learn more about your options for the temporary management of home health care? Call 206.721.5091 or schedule an online appointment with Kenyon HomeCare Consulting experts to find the ideal solution for your agency. Visit

Ginny Kenyon is founder and CEO of Kenyon HomeCare Consulting. Ginny’s knowledge and passion to help customers achieve success defines the mission of his company. He has worked as an administrator in public health, home care, hospice and home care for the past 27 years. He has a solid experience in operations and program development thanks to his experience with visiting nurse services, national health companies at home and collaboration with investors in startup companies.

The Benefits Of Home Health Care

Può essere estremamente schiacciante avere un membro della famiglia che richiede cure costanti. Molti di noi semplicemente non hanno il tempo o le strutture per essere sempre a portata di mano, anche se potremmo volerlo. Potresti provare sensi di colpa per non poter fare tutto ciò di cui il tuo familiare ha bisogno e non puoi stare sempre con loro. Tuttavia, non sei solo. Oggi, milioni di adulti in tutto il mondo si trovano in una posizione in cui si destreggiano prendendosi cura di parenti o genitori più anziani e della propria vita e carriera. Molte persone lottano quindi non dovresti vergognarti o sentirti in colpa per l’incapacità di fare tutto.

Può essere difficile trovare il giusto equilibrio tra fare tutto il possibile per il parente anziano e prendersi cura dei propri bisogni ed è per questo che molte persone si rivolgono all’assistenza sanitaria a casa per alleggerire il carico. L’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio è un ottimo modo per assicurarti la tregua di cui hai bisogno assicurandoti che il tuo parente o genitore sia ancora curato. In molti casi, l’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio è una necessità per le famiglie in quanto consente alla carriera di riposare abbastanza per garantire che in futuro possano prendersi cura degli anziani in modo adeguato.

Ci sono molti benefici nell’assumere l’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio. Il vantaggio principale è che la persona in questione riceverà la migliore assistenza possibile. Queste persone sono formate da personale medico e ora come badare correttamente al tuo parente o genitore. Avranno anni di esperienza e una vasta esperienza nel gestire le situazioni di emergenza sanitaria in modo che tu possa davvero fidarti di loro.

Oltre a fornire cure mediche essenziali, i professionisti dell’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio daranno l’interazione sociale che la persona amata brama davvero. A nessuno piace essere lasciato da solo per lunghi periodi di tempo, e per quanto ameranno parlare con te, si divertiranno anche a interagire con altre persone. Per alcuni, l’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio è la loro unica connessione con il mondo e senza che si sentano persi.

È probabile che non sarai sempre disponibile ad aiutare la persona amata con i suoi pasti. Se temi che non mangino in modo nutriente, che non stiano mangiando o che stiano saltando i loro farmaci, l’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio potrebbe aiutare. Un membro dello staff può aiutare la persona amata durante i pasti e assicurarsi che prenda le medicine nei momenti giusti durante la giornata.

Gli operatori sanitari a domicilio possono anche aiutare con qualsiasi problema di trasporto che potresti avere con la persona amata. Se non riesci ad andare da loro per portarli dai dottori o da qualsiasi altro appuntamento, allora possono farlo per te e assicurarsi che ottengano in modo sicuro.

Ci sono molti altri vantaggi nell’assumere l’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio, ma il principale è che parte della pressione viene tolta da te e puoi tornare in pista con la tua vita e le tue responsabilità. L’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio è davvero un’alternativa pratica al tentativo di affrontare tutto da soli. L’assistenza sanitaria a domicilio può davvero essere una manna dal cielo per quelle persone che non hanno bisogno di assistenza infermieristica continua ma che vogliono essere curate nel comfort della propria casa. La maggior parte delle persone si sente più a suo agio a casa in quanto è il luogo in cui la famiglia e gli amici possono venire a trovarli e talvolta un ambiente familiare può aiutare a recuperare i tempi di recupero. I servizi di assistenza sanitaria a domicilio variano a seconda delle esigenze personali della persona che necessita delle cure. Per alcuni, hanno solo bisogno di cure di accompagnamento, mentre altri soffrono di malattie più gravi e richiedono un monitoraggio medico più complesso.

How to Choose a Home Health Care Service

If you need help recovering from an accident, surgery or if you need long-term care for a chronic illness or disability, home health care is often a viable option that is gaining popularity for a reason. Studies have shown that recovery at home is better for a patient’s physical and mental health. Today’s home health care services can provide everything from aid for commissions and household chores like cooking and cleaning, to specialized medical care from nurses and therapists. But with so many new home care agencies springing up, how do you know which one to choose?

Fortunately, if you follow these basic guidelines, you can be confident when choosing your home healthcare provider:

o Discover the agency’s credentials.
Make sure your home health care service is licensed in your state, is certified by Medicare and is accredited by a government agency such as the Joint Commission Home Care Accreditation Program.

o Find out the credentials of caregivers.
In addition to looking for suppliers who are friendly and helpful, make sure you are informed about the professional training of caregivers. Are they tied and insured? Does the home health service have a supervisor who monitors the quality of the service? Also, ask for referrals for the same caregivers and find out if the home health care agency controls their employees.

o Clarify all billing issues.
The agency should be able to provide publications that clearly explain its rates and services. Make sure you know the additional costs, deductibles and uncovered expenses in advance. Ask if they offer any kind of financial assistance to those in need.

o Be clear about what services you are receiving.
Learn about receiving a written plan that describes in detail the services you will receive, so that there is no confusion. Make sure you know the specific services your family doctor will provide, including housework or household chores. Also, find out what time the home health care provider has call assistance in case of emergency. A 24-hour hotline with someone on call is desirable and useful.

Finally, after the home healthcare plan has been put in place, check the services, making sure that it is in line with what is actually discussed. By adopting these measures you can ensure that your home health service will be beneficial to everyone.

Finding Out About Home Health Care

Home health care in Illinois includes nursing care and other care services such as occupational and physical therapy, speech therapy and medical social services. A home health team provides – and assists with coordination – the care and therapy ordered by the doctor. While receiving home health care, home health care providers teach you (and those who care for you) how to provide home care. Since most home health care is short term, part-time patients must learn to identify and care for possible problems. The goal of home health care is to help you feel better, to regain your independence of action and to be as self-sufficient as possible.

Choosing a home health care agency can be quite stressful for you and the people you love. It is a good idea to plan ahead, consider all long-term healthcare options and make solid financial plans soon. By planning ahead, you and your loved ones have more control over your future and you can ensure that your need for high quality care is satisfied. All available long-term care options such as home care, assisted living, community services and nursing homes need to be considered. If you are helping another person choose home-based health care in Illinois, you should be sure to include the person you are helping with in the decision-making process. You must always make decisions keeping in mind the needs and personal preferences of that person. Some agencies that can help you answer your questions include the Aging Administration, which is a federal agency that can provide you with a list of long-term care choices in your community. The Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers have free brochures explaining Medicare coverage, as well as lists of authorized home care providers in your area. Eldercare Locater is a service that helps seniors and their caregivers find local services.

You should have a checklist ready to ask questions to be asked to potential home health agencies. These include: if the agency is Medicare certified; if it offers the particular services you need (nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.); if the agency is able to meet any special needs you have, such as cultural or linguistic preferences; if the agency offers personal care services necessary as an aid in using the bathroom, the bathroom and dressing; if the agency offers the necessary support services – or can organize services – as an aid to cooking, shopping, doing laundry or cleaning; if the agency has staff available to provide the hours and the type of care that the doctor has ordered; if the agency has staff and nights available in case of emergency? Additional questions that should be asked are how much Medicare and insurance will cover and what additional amounts you have to pay. If the agency checks the backgrounds of its staff members and even if the agency will provide references from satisfied customers. You can find a home-based health agency in your area that has been approved by Medicare on their website, by asking your doctor, friends or family, or by consulting the Yellow Pages under health care at home in Illinois.